This is the collection of audio and video from Sweet Georgia Sound performances, organized by song title. Since we may have performed many of the song multiple times, we may have several entries. Since they are all from live performances, each will have their own sound.
This lists only songs which Sweet Georgia Sound has recorded in audio or video. It is not the complete list of music which Sweet Georgia Sound performs. Please contact band leader Mike LaRoche for the current list of music available for performance.
Arrange to hear Sweet Georgia Sound at your event by contacting us!
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From the June Big Band Day at the Chattanooga Market Melanie Willetts performs Fever. Great bass playing by Amanda Rose Cagle in the background. Video from Jim Good.

For this Veterans Day weekend here’s Greg Glover and Sweet Georgia Sound performing God Bless The USA from the June 2013 big band day at The Chattanooga Market. Another video from our friend Jim Good.

From the June 2013 Big Band Day at The Chattanooga Market. Melanie Willetts sings Alicia Keys “If I Ain’t Got You” Once again thanks to Jim Good for this and all the other videos.

From the Centennial Celebration at the Hamilton County Courthouse Melanie Willetts performs “If I Ain’t Got You” Great bass playing by Amanda Rose Cagle. Video by Jim Good

From The Hamilton County Courthouse Centennial Celebration on June 29,2013 Greg sings Jump, Jive, and Wail. JJ Jackson on alto saxophone and Stephen Bearden with a trumpet solo so good that both Greg and Mike were hypnotized and almost missed bringing the vocal back in.